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Monthly Archives: March 2014
Snacks for Optimum Sleepiness
Sleeplessness is a common conundrum in our society, so finding a simple and effective way to encourage a solid night of slumber is a plus. It’s especially great if the solution to insomnia is also delicious, and the suggestions below are both. There are certain foods that have been scientifically proven to provide the amino acids and vitamins that promote proper rest, and the list below summarizes the very best of them. Make it a goal to limit the amount you eat – keeping it to below 200 calories will help prevent indigestion, keep you from gaining weight and minimize the amount of energy your body has to put into digesting. Continue reading
Sleep Position’s Many Impacts
When you climb into bed each night, it’s likely that you don’t give much thought to the position that you assume as you close your eyes and prepare to sleep. But the truth is that whether you lie on your back, your side or your stomach can have an enormous impact on your health, how you feel, and even the way that you look. Continue reading
Don’t Fool Yourself About Your Sleep
It seems as though we’re learning more and more every day about how important sleep is to our ability to function at our very best, as well as to our overall health. Yet despite the growing body of scientific information available, we still like to fool ourselves with longstanding myths about sleep. The problem with doing this is that we may be making a very real sleep deprivation problem even worse. Here are some of the most popular mistakes that people make about sleep, and some solutions as well. Continue reading
Columbia, Missouri Teen Makes Big Changes in Her School’s Schedule
Seventeen-year old Jilly Dos Santos made an enormous impact on her school community, as well as on the well-being of her fellow students, by doing a little research and speaking up. The teen, a sophomore at Rock Bridge High School, had consistently struggled with getting to school on time for the 7:50 a.m. first bell, so when she heard that her district’s school board was meeting to discuss shifting the school’s starting time to 7:20 a.m., she decided to take action. Continue reading
Sleep Stealers
Sleep is a valuable commodity. Get enough of it and you feel bright and strong and ready to take on the world. Get too little and you spend your days dragging and are far more likely to suffer from a number of health issues, including heart disease and obesity. Nearly every day’s news features another danger of sleep deprivation. Unfortunately, getting the sleep that you want and need isn’t always as easy as just lying down in bed and closing your eyes. If you are a person who is having a hard time getting the restful sleep that your body needs, you may be making one or more critical mistakes that are working against your best intentions. Here are the top sleep stealers that you can eliminate from your life: Continue reading
Spain’s Siesta Being Reconsidered
Sleep scientists and researchers are paying special attention to a recent political issue in the country of Spain. Long known for its daily siesta and its late night life, the country is currently giving serious consideration to revising its workday schedule and eliminating the siesta that has long been a part of its culture. Continue reading