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Consumer Reports on Sleep

When we think of Consumer Reports, we tend to think of the publication (and now website) where we turn for reviews of refrigerators and vacuums, not for tips on how to get past sleepless nights. But a recent study conducted by the venerable organization asked 8,900 people who had already volunteered that they never (or almost never) have a hard time falling asleep about the secret to their sleeping success, and folks were happy to provide the answers.  The answers are surprisingly simple, free and easy to introduce into your daily routine. 

Good sleepers say that the exercise regularly, have a set routine for when they go to bed and night and wake up in the morning, try to do some kind of relaxing activity for half an hour before they turn out the lights, and have sex before going to sleep.  In addition to these quick fixes, Consumer Reports also makes some specific suggestions about updating your sleep environment in order to add to your chances of success. Included in their tips are:

Upgrade your mattress

Most of us don’t purchase new mattresses as regularly as we should. The expected lifespan of a traditional mattress is only about eight years; after that it’s likely to be the source of your aches and pains. New models of mattresses can provide much greater comfort and support without having to cost an arm and a leg, and by buying a memory foam mattress you can even add a few years to the useful life of your investment, as these types of beds generally outlast traditional inner coil styles.

Pay attention to lighting

Whether it’s the light that’s coming in your window from the streetlamp outside or the blue light that’s emanating from your television, cell phone or tablet, late night light can actually trick your brain into thinking that it’s time to wake up. Get room darkening shades for your windows, and consider turning off the television or electronic devices at least one hour before you turn out the lights to turn in. If you use an e-reader, consider purchasing the type that allows you to read white type on a black background so that you have less stimulation.

Keep things quiet

A remarkable number of Consumer Reports’ readers sing high praise to the devices known as sound machines. These devices create background noise with the goal of helping you fall asleep faster, and 43 percent of those who have tried them say that the actually work. This puts their success rate nearly even with prescription sleep aids!

Adopt a sleep routine

As difficult as it may be to do, going to bed and waking up at a consistent time is one of the best ways to make sure that you’ll fall asleep when you need to. People who have a set bedtime and wake-up time often do not need to use an alarm clock and wake up feeling refreshed.


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