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  • The Myth of the Weight-Doubling Mattress

    Every once in a while you’ll come upon a statistic that makes you stop and shake your head in utter amazement, and that is exactly what happened to me the other day when I read (on a mattress store website) that mattresses double in weight every ten years. The site offered no more information than that, so I took it upon myself to do some research and found the reason behind the stat, as well as the truth behind it – which is that it is entirely untrue. Continue reading

  • The Challenge of Buying a Mattress Online

    Today many consumers do almost all of their shopping online. This may be a matter of convenience or of necessity depending upon the specifics of a situation, but whatever the reason there is no doubt that there are very few things that can’t be found and purchased with the press of a tablet, iPhone or computer button these days. Continue reading

  • A Mattress Fit for a King

    With Americans spending billions of dollars on technology and products that promise better sleep, it comes as no surprise that a mattress manufacturer has created a bed that promises a combination of all of the benefits of all of these sleep-inducing products combined. It also comes as no surprise that that bed would come at a high ticket price — the Kingsdown Sleep Smart Intuitive queen-sized mattress comes with a $10,999 price tag, roughly $9,000 more than most people are willing to pay for a mattress. Continue reading

  • Mattress Shopping Essentials

    There are certain activities that the New Year seems to inspire. Certainly the setting of resolutions for ways to improve the quality of your life tops the list, and for most people those pledges for improvement involve things like getting more exercise, eating better, or taking steps to be a better person. Many people who are looking for a way to improve their overall health are recognizing that a significant step in that direction can come from getting a better night’s sleep. Perhaps that’s why so many mattresses are sold right around the New Year. If you are considering investing in a new bed, make sure that you do your research before you set out. Mattresses can be expensive, especially if you have not educated yourself. The more that you know and understand about what you need and want, the better the chance that you will get a bed that is not only a good value, but that also provides you with the renewed comfort that you’re looking for. Continue reading

  • Choosing the Right Mattress

    Some people are incredibly organized about the way they run their lives, and even keep track of their purchases and the anticipated lifespan of the product they’ve bought so that they know exactly when it’s time to go shopping for a replacement. These are the same people who change the oil in their car every three thousand miles on the dot, change the filter on their furnace based on a calendar entry, and never miss an application of their dog’s flea and tick medicine. Then there are those who pay no attention to these types of details. The oil gets taken care of when the red light goes on, the flea and tick medicine gets applied when we see it sitting in the cabinet, and as for their big investments, they get replaced when they’re falling apart. Continue reading

  • The Importance of Memory Foam Mattress Density

    If you’ve been waking up on your old mattress feeling achy and uncomfortable and have found that when you sleep at a hotel or at someone else’s house you wake up feeling fine, there’s a good chance that it’s time to buy a new bed. The average life of an inner spring mattress is just shy of ten years, so if you can’t remember when you bought the bed, it’s probably time. When you’re ready to make a mattress purchase, make sure that you do all of the appropriate research. A mattress is a big investment and it’s easy to get confused by all of the different terminology that mattress salesmen use. By reading up on mattress types and benefits, you’ll start off with a good sense of what you need to know and what you’re looking for.

    In the last several years there has been a shift in the type of mattresses that people are purchasing, with many selecting memory foam mattresses rather than the traditional inner spring mattress. There are many great reasons for choosing memory foam, as they generally provide great comfort and minimize the problem of pressure point pain that so many people experience on a coil mattress. But walking into a store and simply saying that you want a memory foam bed is not good enough. It is also important that you know what a memory foam mattress’ density is.

    Memory foam density is an indication of how much the foam actually weighs. The more memory foam is condensed, the more it weighs, as the measurement is an indication of how compressed the material is into a specific amount of space. A low density memory foam mattress will have a rating of between 2.5 and 3 pounds per foot, while a high density memory foam mattress’ rating will be 5 pounds per foot or more. It is important to remember that density is not a reflection of a mattress’ firmness.  Firmness is measured by a different quantifier known as an indention force deflection, or IDF – that measurement shows how quickly the mattress bounces back in response to pressure. Continue reading

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